Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Le Vent de la nuit

Dane płyty

CD 1195
John Cale
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Le Vent de la nuit


  1. On the road to Portofino (0:29)
  2. At the Boats (0:27)
  3. Naples (1:05)
  4. On the road to Turin (0:40)
  5. Turin at night (1:05)
  6. The Seine at night (1:29)
  7. Suicide 1 (0:43)
  8. Truck parking lot a night (0:57)
  9. On the road to Germany (1:19)
  10. Waiting (1:00)
  11. Thinking and acting (3:24)
  12. Suicide 2 (2:15)
  13. President Y is still stable (4:00)
  14. B. Calls (3:43)
  15. Darkness on the Delta (3:42)
  16. What Mrs Ives said to Mr Ives (4:03)
  17. My piano thanks you for visiting (5:46)