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The Green Mile

Dane płyty

CD 1190
Thomas Newman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Green Mile
Tytuł fimu polski:
Zielona mila


  1. Old Alabama (0:59) B.B and Group
  2. Monstrous Big (1:50)
  3. The Two Dead Girls (3:02)
  4. The Mouse on the Mile (1:30)
  5. Foolishment (1:50)
  6. Billy-Be-Frigged (2:08)
  7. Coffey's Hands (1:58)
  8. Cheek to Cheek (2:38) Fred Astaire
  9. Condemned Man (1:34)
  10. Limp Noodle (1:03)
  11. Scared of the Dark (1:03)
  12. Wild Bill (1:15)
  13. Cigar Box (1:50)
  14. Circus Mouse (1:29)
  15. The Bad Death of Eduard Delacroix (3:48)
  16. Boy's Eye (0:55)
  17. Two Run-Throughs (1:19)
  18. Red Over Green (2:58)
  19. I Can't Give You Anything But Love (3:27) Billie Holiday
  20. That's the Deal (1:37)
  21. L'Homme Mauvais (2:21)
  22. An Offense to the Heart (1:08)
  23. Morphone & Cola (2:57)
  24. Night Journey (2:12)
  25. Danger of Hell (2:27)
  26. Done Tom Turkey (1:00)
  27. Did You Ever See A Dream Walking (2:52) Gene Austin
  28. Trapingus Parish (0:51)
  29. Boogeyman (3:26)
  30. Shine My Knob (0:54)
  31. Briar Ridge (0:42)
  32. Coffey on the Mile (5:12)
  33. Punishment (1:52)
  34. Charmaine (2:25) Guy Lombardo
  35. Now Long Gone (1:08)
  36. No Exceptions (0:57)
  37. The Green Mile (3:59)