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House On Haunted Hill

Dane płyty

CD 1165
Don Davis
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
House On Haunted Hill


  1. Main Title (2:31)
  2. Pencil Neck (1:06)
  3. Hans Verbosemann (1:48)
  4. House Humongous (1:22)
  5. Excerpt Piano Quartet in G Minor, Opus 25 (2:33) Johannes Brahms
  6. Funky Old House (1:54)
  7. No Exit (1:10)
  8. Gun Control (1:27)
  9. Surprise (1:22)
  10. Price Pestiferous (1:37)
  11. Misty Misogamy (1:54)
  12. Coagulatory Calamity (4:01)
  13. Melissa in Wonderland (3:46)
  14. Sorry, Tulip (1:26)
  15. Struggling to Escape (1:48)
  16. Soiree A Saturation (3:20)
  17. On the House (1:35)
  18. Dead But Nice (2:07)
  19. Blackburn's Surprise (0:50)
  20. Encountering Mr. Blackburn (2:05)
  21. The Price Petard (2:00)
  22. Epiphanic Evelyn (3:50)
  23. The Corpus Delicti Committee Meeting (2:28)
  24. Price In Perpetuity (2:56)
  25. The Beast With the Least (3:20)