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Mansfield Park

Dane płyty

CD 1116
Lesley Barber
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Mansfield Park


  1. Theme from Mansfield Park (2:44)
  2. I Missed You (3:44)
  3. Fireworks (1:38)
  4. You Will Marry Him (4:01)
  5. Through the Rain (1:58)
  6. Sentimental Journey (1:21)
  7. Busy Nothing (1:46)
  8. Keep Your Wig On (2:23)
  9. Run Mad (0:29)
  10. Game of Cards (0:48)
  11. Introduction (1:45)
  12. Leaving Portsmouth (1:37)
  13. Harangue (2:26)
  14. Glass (1:04)
  15. As a Man Loves a Woman (2:04)
  16. Lover's Vows (1:44)
  17. Tom Leaves (0:37)
  18. Paper and Pen (1:48)
  19. Paying for the Party (4:47)
  20. Mary's Harp (1:16)
  21. I Spoke In Haste (0:56)
  22. I Don't Know You (1:07)
  23. Theme from Mansfield Park (Reprise) (2:49)
  24. Djonga ("Slavery") (3:52) Salif Keita