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Sister Act

Dane płyty

CD 1045
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Sister Act
Tytuł fimu polski:
Zakonnica w przebraniu


  1. The Lounge Medley (3:41) Whoopi Goldberg / The Ronelles
  2. The Murder (2:20) Marc Shaiman
  3. Getting Into The Habits (2:42) Marc Shaiman
  4. Rescue Me (2:55) Fontella Bass
  5. Hail Holy Queen (3:20) Whoopi Goldberg / The Sisters
  6. Roll With Me Henry (2:57) Etta James
  7. Gravy (2:13) Dee Dee Sharp
  8. My Guy (My God) (2:28) Whoopi Goldberg / The Sisters
  9. Just A Touch Of Love (5:39) C & C Music Factory
  10. Deloris Is Kidnapped (1:42) Marc Shaiman
  11. Nuns To The Rescue (4:48) Marc Shaiman
  12. Finale: I Will Follow Him (3:13) Whoopi Goldberg / The Sisters
  13. Shout (4:18) Whoopi Goldberg / The Sisters / The Ronelles
  14. If My Sister's In Trouble (4:08) Lady Soul