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Good Morning Vietnam

Dane płyty

CD 1031
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Good Morning Vietnam


  1. Nowhere To Run (2:55) Martha Reeves / The Vandellas
  2. I Get Around (2:08) The Beach Boys
  3. Game of Love (2:04) Wayne Fontana / The Mindbenders
  4. Sugar and Spice (2:13) The Searchers
  5. Liar Liar (1:51) The Castaways
  6. The Warmth Of The Sun (2:48) The Beach Boys
  7. I Got You (I Feel Good) (2:44) James Brown
  8. Baby Please Don't Go (2:40) Them
  9. Danger Heartbreak Dead Ahead (2:28) Marvelettes
  10. Five O'Clock World (2:19) The Vogues
  11. California Sun (2:22) The Rivieras
  12. What A Wonderful World (2:26) Louis Armstrong