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The Horse Whisperer

Dane płyty

CD 0976
Thomas Newman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Horse Whisperer
Tytuł fimu polski:
Zaklinacz koni


  1. Angus (0:55)
  2. Double Divide (1:36)
  3. The Whisperers (2:21)
  4. Accident (1:45)
  5. There Was Snow (Opening) (3:17)
  6. Hooking On (1:23)
  7. Montana (1:23)
  8. Pilgrim's Progress (1:59)
  9. Runaway Meadow (3:00)
  10. Badlands (0:47)
  11. Voice Of God (1:00)
  12. The Rhythm Of The Horse (3:15)
  13. Rancher's Wife (1:30)
  14. Iron (1:33)
  15. Simple Truths (3:21)
  16. Hereford Cross (1:15)
  17. Tunnel (1:26)
  18. Awkward Truth (1:58)
  19. Your Misfortune (None Of My Own) (2:52)
  20. Hooves (1:14)
  21. Hobble (2:52)
  22. The Very Act of Being (2:28)
  23. Grace (3:06)
  24. Lazy J (1:00)
  25. Creek House (1:14)
  26. The Vast Continent (3:39)
  27. Percheron Stallion (1:49)
  28. End Titles (3:58)