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Goodbye Lover

Dane płyty

CD 0973
John Ottman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Goodbye Lover


  1. Main Titles - Sandra's Theme (2:44)
  2. Sandra Follows (1:26)
  3. The Gears Turn (1:46)
  4. Peggy's Story (0:36)
  5. Observations (0:55)
  6. Sex With An Olive (1:35)
  7. Victims (1:29)
  8. A Broken Heart (1:09)
  9. Rendezvous (1:02)
  10. Something Real (1:16)
  11. Goodbye, Ben (2:27)
  12. Crime Scene (1:41)
  13. Protecting An Investment (2:07)
  14. Goodbye, Lover (1:32)
  15. Worried Widow (2:00)
  16. Don't Walk Away From Me ! (1:41)
  17. The Sins Begin (1:26)
  18. Scherzo Suprise (1:39)
  19. Plan A (2:16)
  20. Evidence Suite (1:59)
  21. Pompano Persuasion (1:48)
  22. The Prescription (0:57)
  23. Sandra Screw (0:30)
  24. Being So Bad (0:51)